Company culture can be coldly defined as a set of shared values, attitudes, expectations, goals, ethics etc. that characterize a company or organization. I like to think of it as the personality of an organization. Although the factors previously mentioned serve as building blocks of a culture, it is individual congruent behavior that personifies a culture. The human dynamic that organically interprets, acts in congruence with, and infuses individual contributions to those building blocks is what breathes life into a culture. At the risk of over simplifying culture, if those building blocks are the engine, it is human interaction that fuels the engine. At this time of sheltering in place, I find it ironic that we have turned to the very medium that has been classified by many (including myself) as a “destroyer” of human interaction. But, like most everything else, there are pros and cons to technology. Creative influencers have found a way to capitalize on the pros of technology to facilitate much needed human interaction that I believe benefits individuals and helps keep cultures alive. This live session with Kerwynn Prinzing on LinkedIn Live highlights some best practices that I found helpful. Enjoy. #culturedevelopment#culturematters#humanressources