What an exciting opportunity, Kylie. Thank you for including us in this. I am actually grateful from a personal perspective as it caused some reflection upon something I wrote and shared last year about this time. I call it the path from trial to triumph. While in the heat of a pandemic and social unrest, I found myself pondering on a deep, spiritual level, and what came to my mind are five words:
Leading in difficult times, or through ADversity, is really about mindset. Focusing solely on the ADversity keeps us down while changing that mindset to see ADventure propels us forward to the ADvantages of passing through what is often called the “refiner’s fire.” John C. Maxwell has said, “wisdom is born out of adversity.” This sums up the greatest ADvantage that helps us ADvance along our path of perpetual progress toward full potential. Armed with experience and wisdom, we can now ADvocate for those who are passing through their own versions of the refiner’s fire. You may have noticed that the “AD” are capitalized. This is purposeful because the etymology of the root AD means “to, toward.” This is the essence of leadership – the predisposition to look outward to others before self.
Pinnacle People Development, LLC #leadership #mindset